Registering a trademark can be a very simple or complicated process, cheap or very expensive, fast or slow, it all depends on some factors that must be taken into account, here we will explain the most important so that you can easily understand what a trademark registration consists of. brand.What is a trademark registration?Lets start with the definitions, what is a trademark registration. Basically, we are referring to reserving the right of exclusive use to a person or group of people of a distinctive sign that characterizes your products or services from others.In which cities and states is my trademark protected?If you achieve a successful registration of your trademark, you will have the protection of Mexican federal legislation, so your trademark is protected throughout the entire national territory, that is, no person or company within the country may use your registered trademark without your authorization.This also means that outside of Mexico you will have to make a separate registration and it is possible that in other countries there is already a brand similar to yours, therefore you will not be able to use it in that country.How long is my trademark registered?If you achieve a successful registration of your brand, you will have the right to exclusive use for 10 years, once this period ends you can renew it for another 10 years and so on as many times as you want, always for periods of 10 years.How much does it cost to register a brand?The federal government, through the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), is in charge of establishing the rates to carry out the exhaustive investigation service of all trademark registration applications that are made. This service costs $3,126.41 MXN.It is important to mention that the foregoing is only the pure payment of rights, besides it is completely normal to pay the fees of the consultancy or procedure manager that is in charge of advising you and carrying out the procedure, these fees can be very variable but usually range between $5,000.00 MXN and $20,000.00 MXNHow long does it take to register a trademark?The time to complete a procedure can be very varied because, as we mentioned in previous paragraphs, once the request for a procedure has begun, the IMPI will be in charge of initiating the exhaustive investigation to verify that there is no registered and current trademark similar to the one you are tried to register.However, and only for practical purposes, we will answer this question in the following way, if everything goes well and no unforeseen events occur, your process will be completed in no less than 3 or 4 months, from that period up, that is, it takes time. .Where are trademarks registered?All brands must be registered solely and exclusively before the IMPI, without exception. You will have to submit your trademark registration application at their offices in Mexico City, at an authorized office in your city or through the internet on their official website.